This spring term has certainly flown by and it is fantastic to see how all the children settled and were happy in our FunDrawp sessions. The children have all worked incredibly hard and should be very proud of how much we have managed to achieve this term.
Every lesson has been unique and given our young FunDrawper’s an opportunity to freely explore their imagination and develop their creativity. From sketching and pastels, to painting and crafts, they were taught an array of different art mediums; striving to help them develop skills that will stay with them for a lifetime.
Our classes feature innovative art & crafts ideas, where the little one discovered different materials, textures and techniques every week as they explore a range of activities designed to engage little minds and fire up imaginations.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our parents for their continual support and we look forward to seeing you all in the new summer term full Of innovative art & creative ideas.